Spring Beach Getaway! Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina

Spring Beach Getaway! Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina

With two boys under 3 and two dogs in tow, we drove 2.5 hours to the coast of North Carolina; Wrightsville Beach, more specifically. For 5 days we soaked up the sun at the beach, ate lots of ice cream and seafood, and recharged from our oceanview Airbnb. See where we stayed, what we did, where we ate, and then make your way there yourself!

Happy New Year! Life Updates & More

Happy New Year! Life Updates & More

Hey guys, It's been awhile, Happy New Year! I am not sure how 2023 was for you - perhaps it was filled with joy, family time, travel, adventure, and peace - maybe you made it through all of the books you said you would read in a year, maybe you didn't - maybe you experienced [...]

Our Family is Growing!

Our Family is Growing!

TW: Infertility Our family is growing! Given my transparency around our use of IVF to conceive Asher, I wanted to share a little bit about our process to conceive this little one through a frozen embryo transfer with our same clinic in Massachusetts.

Pre-Season Ski Trip to Stowe, Vermont

Pre-Season Ski Trip to Stowe, Vermont

Work and personal life collided in a beautiful way last month. While I live in Virginia, I actually work for a University in Massachusetts. It is quite rare that I travel to MA for work (in fact, this was the first time) but last month I had a few work-related obligations in MA and we [...]

10 Days in Portugal with our 10 Month Old

10 Days in Portugal with our 10 Month Old

We made a goal to take an international trip with Asher before he turned ONE. At 10 months old we took Ash on a 10 day trip to Portugal, and it was an absolute blast. Read about our full 10 days in Portugal, and catch some little golden nuggets about traveling with an infant!

A year in Family Photo Shoots

A year in Family Photo Shoots

Within a 12-month span we hired four separate photographers to capture important moments in our life. In February, 2021 we found out we were pregnant after years of trying to start a family. That set off the search for my first photographer, Jasmine at New Wave Photography. I wanted someone who could capture our joy [...]

Most Used Baby Products: Months 6-9

Most Used Baby Products: Months 6-9

The third in the four-part series: I have decided to do a post for each 3 month growth period until Asher turns 1 year old (in October, 2022)! Babies go through so many changes in this first year, and with that the products that we used most continued to change! Hopefully this helps you navigate [...]

Most Used Baby Products: Months 3-6

Most Used Baby Products: Months 3-6

Time is a thief. It is hard to believe our peanut is 7 months old already - but any caregiver knows just how long the nights and how short the years are. As everyone predicted, I am missing the middle of the night snuggles and daytime contact naps, but we are all enjoying the extra [...]

Most Used Baby Products: Months 0-3

Most Used Baby Products: Months 0-3

Are you expecting or know someone that is? I am breaking down my most used baby products from months 0-3 to help ease the stress of navigating the overwhelming baby product market! Have a product that you or your baby loved that isn't on here? Share it in the comments to help the mommas out there!

Carissa’s Top Pregnancy Purchases

Carissa’s Top Pregnancy Purchases

Hey Everyone! I'm going to keep this short and sweet - because us momma's / soon-to-be momma's don't have time to read through a bunch of nonsense. I am 38 weeks pregnant (woohoo) and getting closer to meeting this baby boy! Yes we think we have a name and no I am not sharing it [...]